Enrichment Programs
At ISC we recognize that enrichment activities are important to our students’ personal, social and physical development and encourage a greater passion for learning. Opportunities offered range from sports to music and the arts to community service and beyond. Our Learning Plus Program offers Elementary students a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Middle and High School students can join our Varsity Sports teams and/or develop leadership skills as part of our Model United Nations (MUN) courses or National Honor Society.
Learning Plus Program
Learning Plus Program
Our Learning Plus Program is a nonprofit program geared towards the developing the physical, physiological and social needs for our students, teachers and parents. Although our focus is on our school community, members of the public are also welcome to join in our activities. The Learning Plus Program is designed to complement and enhance our academic program by providing an array of activities to address the needs of our community.
The program is divided into two 10 week blocks. Block 1 runs from September to November, and Block 2 February to May, classes are mainly taught by our own teachers but do involve local organizations and persons. A variety of activities are offered, some are consistent in every block, others are included on a demand basis. Activities include skills necessary in the classroom, like STEM and STEAM, Dutch and Spanish; athletic skills like, Gymnastics, Basketball, Soccer and Fitness and life skills like Arts & Craft , Yoga and Bounce Back Fun.
Registration: Once the activities are finalized and the guide is complied, a copy is placed on the school’s website: this guide contains a brief description of each activity and their cost. A link to the online registration form is also included at the end of the guide. Registration is only online and payments can be made in the main office or online bank transfer. A minimum of 8 students are required for each activity, if this quota is not met then the activity would more than likely be cancelled. A maximum of 10 – 15 participants are accepted in each activity but may be increased to 18 in athletic activities.
Please feel free to contact me at hartg@isc.cw if you have any questions or comments.
Activity Guide Registration Form
Learning Plus Registration – Click here
Athletics Program
Athletics Program
The philosophy of Health and Physical Education at ISC is to promote and develop a lifestyle that emphasizes physical, intellectual, emotional, and social health.
ISC offers additional learning opportunities for students beyond the regular school day through its Learning Plus Program, its Varsity Athletic Program and the IB Creativity, Action, and Service Activities (CAS). The aim of these programs is to extend students’ experiences beyond the courses offered during the school day.
ISC Varsity Athletics offers its students the opportunity to compete in a safe, challenging, professional and educational environment. Each athlete has the chance to demonstrate his or her athletic abilities while applying and maintaining a spirit of respect and cooperation with fellow athletes from various backgrounds.
Students are encouraged to be role models and leaders for the ISC as a community, by leading by example both in the classroom as well as on the court or playing field. Good sportsmanship, courtesy and respect are emphasized to create a pleasant environment for all involved.
We are looking forward to a support system from the whole student body during games and tournaments to cheer for our teams. A special request goes out to every classmate, every parent, every teacher, each and every friend of ISC come and represent ISC at the games.
Let it be known that the International School of Curacao is here to PLAY-BALL!
Message from the Athletics Department
Dear Parents & Students,
We would like to begin our Varsity Program the week of September 9th. The success of our program depends on YOU and your support. I hope that you are ready to hit the sporting world in Curacao by storm and show them that WE ARE ISC.
We have restructured the participation fees to encourage students to be active in more than one session throughout the year.
Participation in: 1 Sport Naf. 125,- 2: Naf. 200,- per semeser.
Please know that we cannot run these activities successfully without these payments. Registration forms are available online.
The entity that is in charge of organizing school sports at a national level is called Fundashon Desaroyo Deportivo Kórsou (FDDK). We are hoping to get practices started and participate in games, once we get enough participants, so let’s sign up early.
The varsity program of the International School of Curaçao aims to give skillful students an opportunity to develop and master their sport abilities at a higher level than the regular physical education classes.
To accelerate this process the student must show proper behavior, interest and eagerness to learn towards this after school program.
It is extremely important that participants in this program are aware that they are representatives, of the International School in events celebrated locally and internationally, and to build up a strong and proud attitude as a student / athlete; being an ISC Shark is a privilege.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us at evertszs@isc.cw
Thank you and Goooooo Sharks!!!!!!
Sharks Athletics Club
Varsity and JV Sports Registration Form
Registration for School Year 2024-2025 Registration closed.
Hi ISC family,
ISC’s athletic program is in full swing. Our JV Soccer, JV Volleyball & Varsity Volleyball are preparing for games against other schools. The athletics department is looking to raise funds to support our program and acquire practice and game uniforms for our athletes. Despite the new normal, we hope that our athletes can see some game action soon. In the meantime, we are having our annual fundraiser program for this year: the STEP-A-THON, which will be implemented the week of the 23rd to the 29th of October.
Participation in this fundraiser is open for all students and ISC teachers, staff & parents. How does it work?
- Measure your steps: you need a device such as a fitbit, smartwatch, smartphone with an app or a simple step counter to keep track of your steps during the week of 23rd-29th of October. I recommend ‘Pacer’ app or ‘Stepz’ app or the health app that comes installed on your phone.
- Get sponsors to pledge: Get a pledge form online or from Ms. Sabina. Ask sponsors to pledge an amount for every 10,000 steps you take during the week. The minimum step per week is 50.000. The sponsor can pledge a flat rate for reaching 50.000 (example: “I pledge 25 guilders for reaching the minimum steps”) or the sponsor can challenge the stepper to any scenario. (example for reaching 75.000 steps, I will pledge 75 guilders.)
- Sponsors can sign up during this week up to the 22nd. The pledge forms with sponsor pledges are due on this date. Turn pledge form in to Ms. Sabina, Ms. Ivonne or Ms. Camille at either office.
- Step-a-thon week:. Participants start stepping on the 23rd and continue through the week. Every step counts towards the total number of steps for the week ending on the 29th at Midnight..
- From the 30th to November 1st is when you have to contact sponsors to confirm step totals and arrange for the collection of funds for steps achieved- assuming that you have reached your goal.
- All sponsored funds are due by Friday, November 5th.
- Prizes will be awarded to: 1. the team that raised the most funds, 2. the individual with the most steps for the week and 3. the team with the most steps for the week.
- Is there a minimum amount to pledge? Fls.1 (per 10,000 steps).
- Is there a maximum amount to pledge? NO
- Can you get more than one sponsor? You can get as many sponsors as you like.
- When & how do I collect? After the week of the actual Step-a-thon, Sponsors can deposit directly to ISC Varsity with the specification “Athletics Step-a-thon + name of the student/ participant sponsored”. Students can also collect and bring the funds along with their pledge form to Ms. Sabina. All funds pledged are due on Friday, November 5th.
Side note: please be mindful of sponsors that are already donating to GIN.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Sabina at evertszs@isc.cw
Thank you in advance for supporting our athletics program at ISC.

Sabina Evertsz, MA
Athletic Director / Physical Education and Health / Curaçao History
Email: evertszs@isc.cw

Gillian Hart-Pierre
Physical Education
Email: hartg@isc.cw
Music Program
Choir and General Music
Research shows that active involvement in music can have a very positive influence on the social, personal and academic/intellectual development of children. ISC offers an extensive music program to its students. Students from Kindergarten through grade 5 take General Music. In grades 6-12 students have the option to continue General Music, Choir, or join the Band Program.
This class meets twice a week for students. Students learn an instrument in a classroom setting, to earn academic credit, and to perform in and out of school, but they are also encouraged to take private music lessons outside of school which can be advised by ISC music teachers.
In the students’ first year of general music, they will be exposed and allowed to experiment with many instruments to see which one best suits them. After careful consideration and guidance from the music teacher, the student chooses the instrument that best suits them. Then in the 2nd and 3rd year of middle school, the students will continue to study the same instrument to hone in their skills. In High School, they may continue if they wish to take music as an elective.
Students may choose from studying the following instruments: voice, ukulele, guitar, drums, piano, or bass. The school will lend the instrument to the students if available, but students are strongly urged to purchase their own instrument so that they may practice at home. ISC will assist with obtaining an instrument, by placing a group order or by helping to locate an instrument on the island. ISC does not assume responsibility for loss/damage of instruments or for quality issues related to instruments ordered through ISC. Students using school owned music instruments are responsible for damage/loss and maintenance.
Students are required to perform in any assemblies or concerts throughout the year as the class is performance based.
Course Objectives:
- Explore their talent in performing and creating music
- Explore and appreciate a variety of musical styles
- Develop a concept of the workings and elements of music
- Develop team skills and supportive audience behavior
- Choose and develop skills on any of the following instruments: voice, piano, guitar, bass, or drums
- Participate in concerts as a soloist or part of a rock band
Choir Program
Choir Course Summary:
ISC offers an after school choir program for Middle School students. The choir is made of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls. They meet once a week after school for one hour. Choir students receive class credit for joining, and they are graded on their participation and performances.
Various musical styles will be covered in rehearsals. Students will sing everything from pop music, to folk music, music from around the world in various languages, and musical theater. Students will learn how to sing a cappella and with accompaniment. Stage presence and performance etiquette will also be covered.
Students will perform together in assemblies and concerts throughout that year.
Course Objectives:
- Vocalize part using accurate pitch and proper technique and posture
- Perform alone and in small and large ensembles
- Experience various musical genres including Western composers, world music, pop, jazz, musical theater, and folk music.
- Demonstrate by performance a basic understanding of phrase structure.
- Improvise simple rhythmic variations and simple melodic embellishments on familiar melodies.
- Create an original, simple melody.
- Identify key signatures and apply to music being performed.
- Sight singing
- Ear training
- Read whole, half, quarter, eighth and dotted notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and meter. Discriminate between duple and triple time signature, major and minor tonalities.
- Identify notes by letter name.
- Discriminate between melody and harmony.
- Discuss how elements of music affect emotions conveyed by a specific piece of music.
- Critique their own performance
- Demonstrate a positive attitude toward music, self-development and group cooperation.
- Describe distinguishing characteristics of representative music genres and styles from a variety of cultures.
- Sing in harmony, solo, duet, canon, and a capella.
Expectations for the students involved in the choir:
- They need to participate in all concerts and performances and rehearsals to earn full credit
- They need to give all their efforts in rehearsal, and they need to practice their parts at home
- They need to be open minded to all types of music genres and styles
- They need to be supportive of each other and work as a team
- They need to be on time and prepared for all rehearsals and performances
International School of Curacao Orchestra Program
Teacher: V. Mario Sosa
Introduction: Welcome to the International School of Curacao’s Orchestra! I am thrilled to be your teacher and guide you through your musical journey. Music is a universal language that transcends borders and unites people from all walks of life. In this class, we will explore the beauty of music and discover the hidden treasures within ourselves.
Benefits of Music: Music is not only a source of enjoyment and expression but it also offers numerous benefits to our lives. Music can help improve our cognitive abilities, reduce stress levels, increase our emotional intelligence, and enhance our memory. Additionally, playing an instrument can be a great source of pride and self-esteem.
Practice: To achieve success in this class, each student must set aside 30 minutes a day for practice. This daily commitment will help develop your musical skills and deepen your understanding of the music. Remember, consistent and diligent practice is key to becoming a successful musician.
Concerts: Expectations are to play one concert a year, showcasing your musical skills and hard work. These concerts will be a celebration of your growth and progress as a musician.
Performances: In addition to the annual concert, students are also expected to perform for events such as graduation and U.N day. These performances are an opportunity to share your talents with the community and inspire others to appreciate the beauty of music.
The International School of Curacao’s Orchestra is a place where students can express themselves, grow as musicians, and make new friends. I look forward to working with each of you and helping you reach your full potential. Together, let us embark on this musical adventure!
Violin Program (K4 & K5)
Suzuki Violin Program K4 and K5 Students
Introduction: Welcome to the Suzuki Violin Program! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my love of music with you and guide you on your musical journey. The Suzuki Violin Program is designed to introduce young children to the joys of playing the violin and provide a strong foundation for their musical development.
Goals: The goals of this program are to develop each student’s musical skills and create a love for music that will last a lifetime. Through weekly in-class lessons students will develop their listening skills, fine motor skills, and confidence in their musical abilities.
Materials: Each student will be provided with a violin, videos, and recordings to use at home for practice. It is important that students practice regularly in order to make progress and reach their full potential.
Practice: Regular practice is essential to success in the Suzuki Violin Program. Students are encouraged to practice a minimum of 2 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Parents are encouraged to participate in the practice sessions and support their child’s musical development.
Peformance: Students will have the opportunity to perform in one performance in K5 showcasing their musical skills and growth. The performance is a great way to build confidence and share the joy of music with others.
The Suzuki Violin Program is a wonderful way to introduce young children to the world of music and provide them with a strong foundation for their musical development. I look forward to working with each of you and helping you reach your full potential as a musician. Let’s make music together!

Allison Violenes
Music and Choir
Email: violenesa@isc.cw

Mario Sosa, MA
Email: sosam@isc.cw
The C.A.S. Program at ISC.
The C.A.S. program at ISC is organized around the three I.B. strands of Creativity, Activity and Service and is designed to strengthen students’ personal and interpersonal learning from the beginning of the MYP program through high school graduation.
The aim of CAS is to encourage students to independently find and experiment with creative outlets, to keep their bodies healthy through exercise and sport and to give back to their communities.
The International School of Curacao has been consistently committed to community service and offers its students opportunities to participate in community service projects throughout the school year.
Community service teaches students the value of humanity and giving to others less fortunate than themselves. We teach our students that they can make a difference. Involvement in our community service program raises self-esteem, promotes cooperation and teaches citizenship. Community service fosters a sense of pride and purpose in school, providing real life experiences and an alternative learning style for children.
Middle School CAS
In grades 6, students are required to log 5 hours each of creativity, activity and service for a total of 15 CAS hours. In grade 7 that total jumps to 20 hours and in grade 8 to 25
Grades 9 & 10 CAS
Students in 9th and 10th grade are required to complete 30 hours of CAS in each of their first two years of high school. Students will need to complete a minimum of 10 hours in each category of CAS: Creativity, Action, and Service per year.
Grades 11 & 12 – CAS
In grades 11 and 12 students earning an ISC High School diploma (with or without IB certificates) need to log a minimum of 50 hours of CAS each year distributing the hours fairly evenly over the three strands.
Full IB diploma students need to complete a CAS portfolio documenting 18 months of both CAS experiences and an independent CAS project overseen by the CAS coordinator.
Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the lobbying, resolution writing, public speaking and debate that takes place in the United Nations. Students represent the views of various nations and work together to agree on solutions to many of the pressing issues that the world community faces. The course is interactive and students should have an interest in public speaking and current events. Students who perform well in class have an opportunity to attend The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN), the largest MUN conference in the world, as well as the Panama Model United Nations conference (PANAMUN) in Panama City, Panama.
For more info CLICK HERE!

Mitchell Busby
History / MUN
Email: busbym@isc.cw
NHS & NJHS Introduction
Introduction to the National Honor society and national junior honor society
Dear Parents and Students,
In an effort to foster better communication and awareness of the National Honor Society (NHS) and the Junior National Honor Society (NJHS) at ISC, our history and mission is outlined below. The criterion and process for membership is available on the page.
The Kayena Chapter at the International School of Curacao was founded in 1988. The purpose of this chapter is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to set an example for leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of the International School of Curacao.
The chapter continues to recognize students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, service, and for NJHS, also citizenship.
Membership is an honor and a responsibility. Students commit themselves to fulfilling the requirements and setting a positive example as is consistent with the above-mentioned purpose of NHS/NJHS.
In addition, you are invited to contact the societies’ advisors. A link to the NJHS/NHS by-laws is located below.
Best wishes for a fantastic school year.
Yours in service,
The Kayena Chapter.
NJHS/NHS by-laws
The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society is an organization established to recognize outstanding high school and middle school students. The society serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Membership in the honors program begins by meeting the academic requirements; the selection process starts in the 2nd semester, at the end of March. Currently, a student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 88% for the year. Eligible candidates are invited and encouraged to complete the required application form and construct a 500 word essay. The candidate must also turn in three teacher recommendation letters. A faculty committee is then asked to review all applications and the final selection is made. In mid-April, students who have applied will receive written notification of the decision on their application. For those who have been selected, an evening reception for parents and the inductees will be held.
All active members are expected to attend all meetings and support events sponsored by the Kayena Chapter. The chapter shall determine one or more service projects for each year and individuals are encouraged to engage in an individual service project which reflects his/her particular talents and interests.
You are invited to contact the NHS and NJHS advisors or any society member if you have further questions.
Yours in service,
The Kayena Chapter.
ISC Chapter By-Laws
GIN General Information
GIN Mission
- To empower young people to collaborate locally, regionally, and globally in order to create project based sustainable solutions for global issues.
- To recognize and nurture youth empowerment.
GIN Vision
A world where global citizenry is championed by today’s youth.
GIN Ethos
- Engage empathy as Global Citizens
- Make our work effective and sustainable
- Answer our call to action as leaders of today
- Continually inspire and foster community empowerment
- Value life-long learning as a means to create positive change
- Innovate socio-environmental awareness, expression & action
GIN Projects
A GIN project can take many forms. It is an expression of passion and a result of effective collaboration. A GIN project is focused on working to address global issues in your direct community or outside your community.
Projects by ISC GIN
In the last eight years, ISC GIN students have been engaged in various projects both in our local community and outside the community. These projects include amongst many the sponsorship of an education to an under privileged deserving student, clothing drive for children from local orphanages, collection of food for the local animal shelter, hosting and attending local and international GIN Conferences and many others. In one of their biggest endeavor towards making a positive change, GIN students succeeded in making our school plastic and Styrofoam. November 6th 2017 marked a huge milestone for us all at the International School of Curacao! Our school became the first one on the island to discontinue the use of plastic and Styrofoam on campus.
For more information on how to join GIN please contact Kavita Chugani, GIN coordinator.
For current and past projects please have a look at the galleries below.
GIN Clothing Drive 2017
GIN Clothing Drive 2017
GIN Panama Conference
GIN Animal Drive 2017
GIN Hurricane Sandy
GIN Clothing Drive 2016
GIN Rio Conference
GIN Curacao Conference
GIN Animal Drive 2016
GIN Clothing Drive 2015
GIN Santo Domingo Conference
GIN Animal Drive 2015
GIN Casa Manita 2015
GIN Casa Manita 2014
GIN Landhuis Otrabanda 2014
GIN Walk fot the Zoo 2014